Breath of fresher air for the developers the SDK tools revision 20 is finally here .
You can either download a fresh or upgrade the existing SDK tools to the revision 20.The revision 20.0 came in June this year and was followed by the revision 20.0.1 release in July and revision 20.0.3 release in August with the bug fixes.
Using the SDK R20 requires use to be used with ADT of the same revision in Eclipse which means that if you wish to use the SDK R20.0.3 you must use it with the ADT revision 20.0.3 in the Eclipse IDE.Otherwise Apche Ant 1.8 or + could be used outside the Eclipse IDE.
Upgrading the ADT plugin the Eclipse IDE if you already have ADT plugin installed in the Eclipse IDE that you use for the development purposes, you can easily upgrade the it by just:
- Go to help
- Select Check for updates
- Select DDMS, ADT etc updates
- click next
- click next again
- Accept the License agreement
- click finish
- for changes to to actually take place , Restart Eclipse.
Now get ready to use the new and exciting SDK tools with the ADT which offers such ease to chose the templates for creating beautiful looking application at the click of a button .